Be Focused Pillules

Lack concentration? Exams? Computer weary? Then this is the one for you. This blend of flowers refreshes the head, improves motivation, stimulates creativity and restores interest in daily tasks. If working under pressure, then this essence may be taken more frequently.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: befocusedpillules

Lack concentration? Exams? Computer weary? Then this is the one for you. This blend of flowers refreshes the head, improves motivation, stimulates creativity, and restores interest in daily tasks. If working under pressure, then this essence may be taken more frequently.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Assignments to finish?
  • Exams to take? Study? Revision?
  • Unable to think clearly? Memory blocks?
  • Do you spend hours at the computer?
  • Is your mind fuzzy and dull?
  • Can’t get started on important jobs?


Aids concentration so its easier to retain information more readily. Good if you are easily distracted.

Use if you have mental chatter, a fuzzy head, feel uninspired, are cramming, feel mentally tired, overwhelmed, lack confidence in what you are doing, want to be more creative etc.

Take before attending a lecture or a class and anytime when you need to concentrate and learn.

Tackling your tax returns! Helps you get started on a nasty job. Brings enthusiasm to cope with daily tasks. Helps you get going on cleaning the house or car, or mowing the lawn.

Be Focused gives mental energy. It keeps you going more effectively for longer and you produce better quality work. Take it before you need it then you will feel less tired in the end. Also take breaks,10 minutes in the hour, it’s not time wasted!!! Also ensure you get a balance of exercise and sleep. Be Focused can help in the short time but is not a substitute for a poor lifestyle, bad diet and will not prevent ultimate burn out.

This blend brings better focus and concentration, improved mental faculties, grounds ideas into reality, improves memory and relieves mental tiredness, encourages clarity of thought and inner inspiration. Enhances confidence and trust in the self.

How to use this blend:

Use as required, 1 pillule every so often as you work. Ideal taken as a course if undergoing a long period of concentration, 1 pillule 4 times a day.

Avoid taking late at night or you might find it difficult to sleep, try Be Restful instead to help you settle. Don’t forget, a foggy head may be due to a bad diet. Do some research, find out what suits your body, and remember, we are all different. 
This blend will give focus and positivity, however if you feel any worry about what you are doing try a dose of Be Calm. Take it morning and night and the Be Focused during the day.