Bleeding Heart

Renewing the heart - This essence is useful if there is extreme dependence within a relationship. These people are very possessive, and are very fearful of loosing the relationship, which if lost can bring unendurable grief, the heart can bleed!
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: BleedingHeart

BLEEDING HEART  Dicentra formosa

Renewing the heart

This essence is useful if there is extreme dependence within a relationship. These people are very possessive and fearful of losing the relationship, which if lost can bring unendurable grief. They have weak personal boundaries and may lose a sense of themselves as they ‘love another too much.’ This essence can help people to learn how to live in a way that allows perfect space and freedom to those they love.


Indications for using Bleeding Heart

  •          When people have dependencies or neediness
  •          If someone has died and the bereaved is left with much unresolved grief
  •          When someone is excessively broken hearted after the break-up of a relationship
  •          For those who fear abandonment



Negative - Broken heartedness, dependency, anguish, loss pain, neediness

Positive - Open hearted, unconditional love, safety, freedom, honour, detachment

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