Bach Remedies and other Flower Essences book

Written by Vivien Williamson (Sun Essences) with contributions by Dr. Andrew Tresidder A comprehensive guide to the beautiful world of flower essences and their natural healing powers by Vivien Williamson, the proprietor of Sun Essences. Covering the first system of flower essences to be discovered, as well as more recent developments. How flowers hold the key to unlocking emotional imbalances and promote a longer and healthier life by releasing the toxic effects of buried and unresolved pain.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: BachRemediesBook

Written by Vivien Williamson (Sun Essences) with contributions by Dr. Andrew Tresidder

A comprehensive guide to the beautiful world of flower essences and their natural healing powers by Vivien Williamson, the proprietor of Sun Essences.

Covering the first system of flower essences to be discovered, as well as more recent developments. How flowers hold the key to unlocking emotional imbalances and promote a longer and healthier life by releasing the unwanted effects of buried and unresolved pain.

  • A comprehensive guide to the beautiful world of flower essences and their natural healing powers.
  • Covers in detail the first system of flower essences to be discovered, as well as more recent developments.
  • How flowers hold the key to unlock emotional imbalances and promote a longer and healthier life by releasing the unhelpful effects of buried and unresolved pain.
  • In-depth explanations of the uses and suggested indications of the individual flower essences.
  • Clear and concise instructions on how to make, store and use your own flower essences.
  • Special sections on how to use the essences with your children, pets and plants.
  • Lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs, including step-by-step instructions and love portraits of the flowers themselves.
  • Contributed by Dr Andrew Tresidder: Emotional Healing (page 8), Bach Flower Combinations (page 52), Intuitive Diagnosis (page 82)


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - About Flower Essences
  • Chapter 2 - The Flower Essences
  • Chapter 3 - Making Flower Essences
  • Chapter 4 - Prescribing Flower Essences
  • Recommended Reading
  • Useful Addresses
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