Be Resistant

This blend of flowers is designed to support the system at times when you might be feeling at a low ebb. Ideal for when you go down with everything that’s around and it’s hard to shake things off. Gives you a much needed lift and if taken regularly, strengthens the system.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: beresistant

This blend of flowers is designed to support the system at times when you might be feeling at a low ebb. Ideal for when you go down with everything that’s around and it’s hard to shake things off. Gives you a much needed lift and if taken regularly, strengthens the system.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Feeling run down? Out of sorts?
  • Not quite up to parr?
  • Go down will everything that’s going around?
  • Can’t shake things off?


This blend is to support and strengthen our natural systems and is particularly helpful during the winter months. Regular use can boost resistance and give you a much needed lift. Ideal if you are having difficulty making a total recovery and can't seem to pick up.

Instructions for use:

Drops: As a boost to the system take 4 drops 4 times a day until bottle is finished.

Pillules: As a boost to the system take 1 pillule 4 times a day until bottle is finished.

If something seems to be coming on, take five or six hourly doses, and it may well be less severe.

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