Dosage bottle 30ml

Clean 30ml dropper bottles to make up treatment bottles for the Bach and Living essences. Easily sterilized for re-use, in a saucepan or steamer.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: DosageBottle30ml

How are they prepared
Preparing a dosage bottle for the bach essences:
• Almost fill a 20/30ml dropper bottle with spring water and one teaspoonful of brandy as a preservative, vodka may also be used. Add cider apple vinegar or glycerine if you want to avoid alcohol. For babies and animals one can make up a dosage bottle without preservative, in which case the bottle must be kept in the fridge.
• Put 2 drops of each chosen essence into the bottle
• Label with name, date and contents
• Shake well and take 4 drops x 4 times a day, particularly first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and then spaced throughout the day.  
• It is important to remember to take them, as regularity is the key. A poor response to a combination is more likely to be due to taking them intermittently rather than an incorrect choice of essences.

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