Red Clover
Strength in Adversity - In adverse situations, individuals can become affected by the atmosphere of fear and distress around them, particularly with incidents of mass hysteria, and so may loose touch with themselves.
Red Clover Trifolium pratense
Strength in Adversity
In adverse situations, individuals can become affected by the atmosphere of fear and distress around them, particularly with incidents of mass hysteria, and so may lose touch with themselves. In this situation it’s easy to act out of character. This essence provides a strong anchor so its easier to stay firmly within the self, remain grounded, protected and so act authentically.
Indications for use
- Do you loose your sense of individuality in a group?
- Get caught up in the atmosphere of a crowd?
- Get drawn into doing thing you normally wouldn’t?
- Do you tend to run with the pack? Are you a ‘gang’ member?
- For those who have weak auras, and are over-influenced.
- When there are difficult family problems.
- When shattering experiences affect one's ability to think clearly
Positive - Truth, individuality, strong centre, anchored, authentic, unaffected, protected, grounded.
Negative –Hysteria, over-influenced, susceptible, lack of identity, vulnerable, anxiety, uncontrolled.