
Empowerment - When the male aspects of the personality are under-developed Sunflower can bring greater empowerment.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: Sunflower

Sunflower Helianthus annuus  



When the male aspects of the personality are under-developed Sunflower can bring greater empowerment. Like the Sun, one feels able to radiate outwards and reach for the peaks of personal achievement. It can balance an underdeveloped or overdeveloped ego. Also useful when there have been issues with the father figure.


Indications for use

• For those of either sex who have difficulties expressing their male qualities in a balanced fashion.

• For those who have conflict with authority figures.

• For those who are suffering from an ongoing damaged relationship with the

dominant parent.


Negative - Bombastic, egotism, boastfulness, self-effacement and aggrandisement.

Positive - Warm, radiant, positive, action, compassion, individuality, belief, assertiveness.

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