White Chestnut

People needing White Chestnut are troubled with unwanted thoughts. This incessant, repetitive inner chatter may cause a lack of concentration or sleep.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: WhiteChestnut

People needing White Chestnut are troubled with unwanted thoughts. This incessant, repetitive inner chatter may cause a lack of concentration or sleep.

NEGATIVE: Aloof, Isolated, Condescending, Grief
POSITIVE: Clear, Quiet, Calm, Peace, Stillness

One of the "The 2nd Nineteen". In the Insufficient Interest Group

Flowers in early summer. Pick individual flowers. Sun potentized.

The White Chestnut State

White Chestnut people have over-active minds and are plagued with uncontrollable thoughts going round and round in the head. Such incessant mental chatter can make the head feel full, headachy and may cause a lack of concentration or sleep. White Chestnut essence can bring forth a balanced mind with a clear, calm head, becoming more able to focus and think methodically and constructively.


  • My head is a peaceful place
  • My mind is gently filling with quiet and calm

Indications for using White Chestnut

  • For those who worry all the time
  • For those who cannot stop thinking about something.
  • When a snippet of a song goes incessantly round and round the head
  • For those who go over and over earlier conversations, thinking about what they should have said.
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