
Psychic contamination - This essence helps to clear the system of negative psychic thought forms which can be absorbed from others.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: Pennyroyal

Pennyroyal Mentha pulgegium


Psychic contamination

This essence helps to clear the system of negative psychic thought forms which can be absorbed from others. Individuals may become so clogged that they find it difficult to think clearly. They might also be easily influenced by others, so Pennyroyal clarifies the mind, eases confusion and offers some protection. The individual can act independantly again, mental vitality returns and they feel more positive

Indications for using Pennyroyal

• For those who may be controlled by others.

• For those who suffer from mental confusion.

• For those who need auric protection.


Negative - Contamination, negativity, control, psychic attack,congestion

Positive - Purification, strengthening, clarity, positivity, vitality

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