Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem is used to soothe the system after extreme upsets. Even after many years, such impacts still affect our energetic levels adversely. This remedy can help to re-balance our systems correctly.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: StarOfBethlehem

Star of Bethlehem is used to soothe the system after extreme upsets. Even after many years, such impacts still affect our energetic levels adversely.
This remedy can help to re-balance our systems correctly.

NEGATIVE: Upsets, Fright, Sudden alarm
POSITIVE:  Comforting, Balancing

One of the "The 2nd Nineteen". In the Despair and Despondency Group

Flowers in late spring. Pick flowering stems. Boiling method.

The Star of Bethlehem State

Star of Bethlehem people have had alarming experiences, the after-effects of which can still be felt years later. Should the body's life-force be blocked by difficult or bone shaking experiences, the natural healing processes will find it difficult to function. This essence can release the body's own
restorative energies, allowing them to work more effectively. Star of Bethlehem is known as the comforter and soother of sorrows.


  • It is easy to let go of past pains.
  • All my levels are vibrating in perfect harmony.

Indications for using Star of Bethlehem

  • For those who cannot get over a loss.
  • For those who cannot be comforted and are unable to cry.
  • This is a helpful essence to add to the first dosage bottle.
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Dosage bottle 30ml

Clean 30ml dropper bottles to make up treatment bottles for the Bach and Living essences. Easily sterilized for re-use, in a saucepan or steamer.


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