Mullein is the remedy to bring inner light and is indicated when it seems difficult to be true to your conscience.There may be an element of dishonesty in daily interactions, which may be partly unconscious due to denial or conditioning.This essence can bring the courage and strength to be true to yourself and embrace your rightful path in life. Mullein can be supportive for exploring a sense ofindividuality in the face of possible opposition.
Indications for using Mullein:
• For those who feel unable to stand by their beliefs.
• For those who go against themselves to please others.
• For those who need help to face the truth in a situation.
• For those who feel weak and confused, and are unable to hear their inner voice.
Negative - Doubt, denial, dishonesty,deceit, conditioning.
Positive - Conviction, high morals, guidance, inner listening, discrimination, awareness, personal truth.