
Gentian types are easily disheartened by life’s events, finding it difficult to stay positive. Often negative and lacking faith in life, they doubt their problems can be overcome.
Manufacturer: Sun Essences
SKU: Gentian

Gentian types are easily disheartened by life’s events, finding it difficult to stay positive. Often negative and lacking faith in life, they doubt their problems can be overcome.

NEGATIVE: Pessimistic, Sceptical, Discouraged
POSITIVE: Optimism, Perseverance, Cheerfulness

One of the "Twelve Healers". In the Uncertainty Group.

Flowers in early autumn. Pick individual flowers. Sun potentized.

Gentian types
Gentian people almost enjoy their negativity and "wouldn't be happy even if they were". They lack faith, are pessimistic and may have lost their spiritual connection. Easily discouraged by setback, they feel disheartened but always know why. Gentian essence can bring forth a more optimistic approach to life It kindles the feeling that their best is good enough.


  • I am finding deeper meaning in life.
  • I can see life with renewed optimism.
  • My best is always good enough.
  • I will learn to view the positive side.

Indications for using Gentian

  • For those who feel low when things go wrong.
  • For those who have failed a driving test, yet again.
  • For set-backs during life, helps to regain the lost ground more quickly.
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