Although dedicated to the Bach Essences, Sun Essences has made and developed their own range of English essences, using many well known native flowers. These have proved very popular, as well as making a valuable addition to the Be Blends mixes. Many have a unique preparation method. Living flowers are dipped in the water along with the picked flowers, which we believe brings greater life force to the essence.
This essence is indicated when you are restricted by life. Perhaps you are trapped in your head with many pressured thoughts, or you may be hemmed in by physical circumstances you can’t change.
Links the head with the heart - This essence is helpful for the dry, intellectual types who tend to drift into the realms of thought and detach from feelings.
Realisation and Transformation - Orange hawkweed throws off anything that is not ‘of the self’. It stops things settling into the system, so can be used as a protection against psychic pollution, or the effects of shattering experiences.
Clearing the head - Peppermint is ideal for those who want food, but then struggle with a muzzy and slow mind, a common problem during difficulty times.